over 5 years ago
Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh, I went to a Defend the Water protest outside of the Shale Insight conference this week. While Trump prepared to speak in front of reps from the gas and petrochemical industry, Native leaders led protestors in a water blessing at the confluence of the Allegheny, Monangahela, and Ohio rivers. Some of them had come all the way from Standing Rock. "We're here because your water is in trouble," one of them told the crowd.
From that point in Pittsburgh, the Ohio - consistently ranked one of the most polluted rivers in America - meanders its way to the Mississippi. And the river is about to get even more polluted. There's a plastics boom in Appalachia, which depends on fracking, pipelines, and ethane cracker plants. People are starting to make connections between what's happening here and what's already been happening for decades in the Gulf. As we marched through downtown Pittsburgh, someone started chanting: "No Cancer Alley/In the Ohio Valley!"